- About me -

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Photographing the cityscape and street life combined with social nature to find common ground between the street and documentary photography in Tokyo.
ROZOU PROJECT Founder. A member of "VoidTokyo". Stoneage crew.
Solo Exhibition
!! Now Running !!
2018.8- 路 / 像 / 路 / 像 (ROZOU project) / Somewhere on the street in Tokyo (See special page)
!! Coming Soon !!
2025.4.29-5.25 The Lights of Greater Tokyo / Contemporary Art Museum of Uzbekistan(CAMUZ), Uzbekistan
2025.6.3-16 Journey Inwards ~ 旅の考察 / NIKON SALON, Shinjuku , Tokyo
TBD Osaka(TBD)
2023.9.5-10, 15-17 Shinjuku Parrot / Gallery Niepce, Yotsuya, Tokyo
2023.9.11-17 Shinjuku Parrot / Ningen Restaurant, Shinjuku, Tokyo
2023.8.13 YEARS at Comic Market C102 / Tokyo Big site, Tokyo
2022.11 Lost in Shinjuku2 / Gallery Niepce, Yotsuya, Tokyo
2022.6 Zebra The City / IZUMI, Moscow, Russia
2018.11 Street photography in artPotluck / studio d21, Tokyo
2018.8 Lost in Shinjuku in Corigliano Calabro Fotografia 2018 / Corigliano Calabro, IT
2018.5 Transit Station - 乗換駅 / Nikon Salon Osaka, Osaka (See special page)
2018.4 Transit Station - 乗換駅 / Nikon Salon Ginza, Tokyo (See special page)
2018.3 Lost in Shinjuku @CITY TALES in Euro Photo Festival / Legnano, Milano, IT (See special page)
2016.4 Zebra The City - シマシマ都市 / Konica Minolta Gallery, Tokyo (See special page)
Selected Group Exhibition
!! Now Running !!
2025.2.23 36phxjapon / palermo, Argentina
2025.2.21- 5.4 506.08.244688.6 Fotografien. / galerie haus23, Cottbus, Germany
2025.3.4-3.16 Intersenctions by VoidTokyo / HIKOHIKO gallery, Ginza, Tokyo
!! Coming Soon !!
TBD Tokyo(TBD)
2024.11.18-12.17 GRAPHGATE award exhibition / CANON Gallery, Shinagawa, Tokyo
2024.10.12 GR BAR, Shibuya, Tokyo
2024.10.10-13 PHOTOPIA Hamburg, Hamburg, German
2024.6.28-30 Japanese Photobook Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2024.6.28-30 Japanese Photobook Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2024.6.3-30 Oberstdorfer Fotogipfels, Kunsthaus Villa Jauss präsentiert, Germany
2024.4.5-8.4(extended to 9.4) Parole on the street (Japan-Korea Exchange exhibition), Haeden Museum, Incheon, Korea
2024.2.22-25 VoidTokyo Exhibition 'THE STREETS' in CP+ / Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa
2023.12 PHOTO FEST BUENOS AIRES / Blessed cafeteria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2023.9 GR bar in Osaka / GR bar, Osaka
2023.7.18-30 VoidTokyo Exhibition / HIKOHIKO gallery, Ginza, Tokyo
2023.7.2-14 Hedgehog Effect / 幻Photism, Sichuan, China
2023.5.1-7 Kyobashi Art Apartment - Gallery Kubota, Kyobashi, Tokyo
2023.3.31-4.30 TOWN & PEOPLE / Novosibirsk city art center (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2022.11.12-2023.2.12 TOKYO / Ploshad Mira Museum, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2022.11 TOWN & PEOPLE in Cities of the world / Lishui Museum, Lishui, China
2022.11 GR bar in Shibuya / GR bar, Shibuya, Tokyo
2022.8 VoidTokyo Exhibition / BLANK, Koenji, Tokyo
2022.6 VoidTokyo Exhibition / Prophoto Gallery(2places), Portland, US
2022.4 Emerging Tokyo / Terranova House Gallery, Tokyo
2021.12 Live vision exhibition
2021.10 VoidTokyo in "Tales of Unwritten" of Trieste Photo Days 2021
/ Tajani, Milano <MOVIE>
2021.7 TOKYO Street Photography Group Exhibition by VoidTokyo, Tokyo-SPC, FRAME TOKYO / Clouds+Art, Tokyo
2021.4 Different Dimension / museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2020.9 TREVISO Photographic festival
2020.7 VoidTokyo 2020 / Clouds+Art, Tokyo
2019.11 Laatikkomo exhibition / Jyväskylä, Finland
2019.10 Alghero Street Photo Festival exhibition / Sardina, Italy
2019.10 (10/18-10/31) VoidTokyo exhibition / ΦL Tokyo, Shibuya, Tokyo
2019.10 フォトシティさがみはら写真祭Sagamihara winners exhibition
2019.6 (6/21-7/10) FUJIFILM SQUARE 企画写真展「平成・東京・スナップLOVE」 / Fujifilm gallery, Roppongi, Tokyo
2019.5 (5/1-5/31) VOID TOKYO 台北攝影特展 / 薄霧書店 Misty bookstore, Taipei, Taiwan
2019.2 (2/19-3/3) 13 VIEW ON TOKYO / Clouds+Art, Tokyo
2018.10 (10/26-2019/3/10) VoidTokyo exhibition / Oriental museum, Trieste, Italy
2018.10 Flowing city / Trieste airport, Trieste, Italy
2018.7 (7/10-7/22) VoidTokyo exhibition / Clouds+Art, Tokyo
2018.6 (6/22-7/31)Perceiving The Void / Hamburg, Germany (on Youtube)
2018.5 ASPA winner's exhibition / Alghero, Italy
2017.3 Laatikkomo exhibition / Jyväskylä, Finland
2016.6 Myaku - Ri-man don’t bushi - 脈 - リーマンDon't節 / Kobun-garou, Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan
2015.12 bluestreets TOKYO STREETS (w/ Tatsuo Suzuki & Mitja Kobal) / Gallery The Shelter, Cairo, Egypt
2015.10 bluestreets TOKYO STREETS (w/ Tatsuo Suzuki & Mitja Kobal) / Z Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2014.9 Heiwa art exhibition / Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
2014.7 Black and White Street - World Street Photography Exhibition / Tejada Canary Island
2022.06- △ (Street performance with SHIMBA MATSUDA, TOMOYA YANATA) (ongoing)
2022.03- Aged Photo Project (ongoing)
2022.12 Movie Film - Shinjuku Parrot(Inco), photographer, (Directed by Tomoya Yanata) 9.15-
2023.08- Snap on Snap (ongoing)
2023.06- Bakubu - Shibari & Contemporary dance (ongoing)
Book/ZINE/Exhibition Catalogue
!!! Newbook !!!
2023.8 Shinjuku Parrot photobook -SOLDOUT-
2022.4 Connection #4 Order here -SOLDOUT-
2022.1 A DAY IN YEARS (Not for sale, limited issue)
2021.1- Monthly zine project "YEARS" Order here
2020.10 Stoneage Photobook w/ full CD album, photo/edit by Tadashi Onishi -SOLDOUT-
2019.8 Exhibition catalogue - Enter the City 鼓動 by Tatsuo Suzuki + Tadashi Onishi -SOLDOUT-
2019.6 ROZOU zine #1 *Available at ROZOU project exhibition only
2019.1 Orange covered zine by Hiroyuki Nakada + Tadashi Onishi Order here -SOLDOUT-
2018.4 Exhibition catalogue - Transit station Order here Also available at Sokyusha -SOLDOUT-
2017.10 Lost in Shinjuku (published by dotART) -SOLDOUT-
2016.4 Exhibition catalogue - Zebra The City Order here -SOLDOUT-
2017- VoidTokyo vol.1 - vol.8 and Special editions Order here
Public Collection
2024.4.17 24 photos from 'Zebra The City' and 'COVID19' series have been added at Pushkin state museum
2024 Graphtgate by CANON 2nd Honorable Mention
2020 Tokyo Photobook Review Finalist
2018 35 AWARDS - 100 Best Photographers 2017 (Russian 35 Awards) "Best photographer - Street"
Alghero Street Photography Awards Winner (Street Photography Series category)
PX3 Second Prize (Non-professional / Book Proposal (Series Only))
2017 Gregor International Calendar Award 2017 "Photo Calendar Award"
PX3 Honorable Mention (Non-professional/Fine Art / People_FA)
MIFA(Moscow International Foto Award)2017 Bronze prize and Honorable Mention (People)
Mignify photo by Fine Art Photography Association(日本芸術写真協会) FAPA award selected by 飯沢耕太郎
Trieste Photo Days book award by dotART.it First Prize
Photoplus annual photography contest(Street photography category) Finalist
2016 The 68th national calendar award
"Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology prize"(文部科学大臣賞)
2015 PX3 Third Prize (Non-professional/Book Proposal (Series Only)/People)
2014 JPVAA Third Prize (Single image)
2025.7 Sublime Photo Awards 2025 - A member of the International jury
2021.7 URBAN TPD young awards 2021 - A member of the International jury
2020.7 URBAN photo awards 2020 - A member of the International jury
2019.7 URBAN photo awards 2019 - A member of the International jury
2019.3 35 AWARDS 4th annual main contest - A member of the International jury
2018.11 35 AWARDS - Streeet portrait - A member of the International jury
2018.10 URBAN photo awards 2018 - A member of the International jury
2018.9 Street Photography by VoidTokyo
2024.4 写真を語ろうの会。 w/ Yoshikazu Aizawa
2023.3/4/6 Experience VoidTokyo
2021.3/6/9/12 XPL event
2019.4 VoidTokyo workshop
2018.10 Japanese Experience w/ Tatsuo Suzuki @ Trieste, It
2018.3 CITY TALES w/ Giorgio Galimberti @ Legnano Castle, Milano, It
Produce (Exhibition)
2023.6.3-11 Evgeny Bondarenko(Ukraine)'s 'Country in the West', Gallery Niepce, Tokyo
Interviews/Published on
2025.3 ROZOU Project: la fotografia di strada torna a casa/Street Rover
2024.10 CITIES - Streets Journey in Italy (ISP)
2024.6 About Photography(Interview)
2024.6 PROFIFOTO 6/24(German Photo Magazine)
2023.6 Ricoh GR TV (1st / 2nd) by Ricoh officail
2023.6.5 TV ASAHI, Wide Scrumbleテレ朝ワイドスクランブル(Japanese Journal TV program)
2023.6.1 ASAHI SHIMBUN朝日新聞全国版社会面(Japanese Newspaper)
2023.1 ROZOU PROJECT interview by Alex
2022.11 Japan Camera Hunter(YEARS review)
2022.11 AERA/Asahi Cameraアサヒカメラ(Exhibition Interview)
2022.10 Japan Camera Hunter(Visual interview)
2022.10 Lausitz.tv (German TV program)
2022.2 La Cultura Giapponese sulla Street Photography/StreetRover
2020.12 Web Cameraman(Japanese Photo Magazine)
2020.9 il POST, Italy
2020.6 URBAN PHOTO digital talks w/ Giedo Van Der Zwan
2020.2 Asahi camera アサヒカメラ2月号(Japanese Photo Magazine)
2019.12 Japan Camera hunter
2019.11 肖像権時代の最新スナップ撮影術(朝日新聞出版)
2019.11 Laatikomo exhibition issue
2019.9 CITIES #5 (Photobook by Italian Street Photography)
2019.9 Newsweek Japan text by Q.Sakamaki
2019.9 (VIMEO)ROZOU project by Jordi Mallol i Comas
2019.8 Asahi camera アサヒカメラ9月号(Japanese Photo Magazine)
2019.8 (Youtube)Documentary of ROZOU project by Samuel Lintaro
2019.6 insomnia photography magazine #6
2019.4 Edge of Humanity Magazine
2019.4 Illeffects interview by 一条(Chinese documentary)
2018.10 Asahi camera アサヒカメラ11月号(Japanese Photo Magazine) (on web)
2018.9 Il Piccolo di Trieste (Italian news paper)
2018.9 EyesOpenMagazine
2018.8 Flash!21
2018.7 N PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE (Italian magazine)
2018.3 Monthly Cameraman 月刊カメラマン(Japanese Camera Magazine) (on web)
2018.2 Gelatin magazine
2016.4 CAPA キャパ(Japanese Camera Magazine) (on web)
2016.1 World Street Photography
2015.7 Street photography in the world
2013.11 CameraRaw.it magazine No.4, 5, 6